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Blog · Apr 12th, 2024

Simon Vrachliotis avatar Simon Vrachliotis avatar

Simon Vrachliotis

Unleashing Designers with Tailwind CSS

How TailwindCSS can help bridge the gap between design and development, and foster a more inclusive and efficient working environment.

In April 2024, I flew to Park City, Utah, to give a talk at Epic Web Conf.

I, surprise surprise, did a talk on… Tailwind CSS.

This time around, I went for something a little different. I did not attempt to convince the audience that Tailwind is a good idea, and everyone should use it.

Instead, I explained how I personally think that Tailwind CSS is a design tool, and the ultimate "prototyping in the browser" solution — making it a great collaboration tool between designers and developers within a team.

You can watch the talk on the Epic Web platform.

Happy watching!

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Technology discussed

  • CSS,
  • Tailwind

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Simon Vrachliotis avatar Simon Vrachliotis avatar

Simon Vrachliotis

@simonswiss (opens in new window)

Designer, developer, content creator, teacher, learner.

A photo of Jed Watson & Boris Bozic together A photo of Jed Watson & Boris Bozic together

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